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Pure Raspberry Ket0nes

Pure Raspberry Ket0nes - 500mg Raspberry Ket0nes
Natura H3
  • Highest Quality F0rm Raspberry Ket0nes Available
  • 500 mg 0f Raspberry Ket0nes Per Serving
  • 1400mg + African Mang0
  • Green Tea & L-Carnitine
  • C0ntains N0 Sugar, N0 Starch, N0 Yeast, N0 Artificial Dietary C0l0rs 0r Preservatives.

Imp0rtant Inf0rmati0n

Safety Inf0rmati0n
CAUTI0N: D0 n0t exceed rec0mmended d0se. Pregnant 0r nursing m0thers, children under 18, and individuals with a kn0wn medical c0nditi0n sh0uld c0nsult a physician bef0re using this 0r any dietary supplement. These statements have n0t been evaluated by the F00d and Drug Administrati0n. This pr0duct is n0t intended t0 diagn0se, treat, cure, 0r prevent any disease.

Raspberry Ket0nes Supplement Facts Serving Size 2 Capsules Servings per C0ntainer 30 Raspberry Ket0nes - 500 mg Pr0prietary Blend - 900 mg ->African Mang0 (Irvingia Gab0nesis 10:1), Caca0 Extract (The0br0ma Caca0, Seeds), Green Tea - Camellia Sinensis (Leaves), L-Carnitine. 0ther Ingredients: Vegetable capsule c0ntains purified water and hypr0mell0se. CAUTI0N: D0 n0t exceed rec0mmended d0se. Pregnant 0r nursing m0thers, children under 18, and individuals with a kn0wn medical c0nditi0n sh0uld c0nsult a physician bef0re using this 0r any dietary supplement. These statements have n0t been evaluated by the F00d and Drug Administrati0n. This pr0duct is n0t intended t0 diagn0se, treat, cure, 0r prevent any disease.

SUGGESTED USE: As a dietary supplement, take 0ne (1) t0 tw0 (2) capsules 30 minutes bef0re a meal. F0r additi0nal results, this pr0duct can als0 be taken 30 minutes bef0re a w0rk0ut 0r exercise r0utine.

Pr0duct Descripti0n

Nutra H3's Raspberry Ket0nes is the highest quality raspberry ket0ne pr0duct available 0n the market.
Raspberry Ket0nes help reverse weight gain induced by a high-fat diet by increasing the pr0ducti0n 0f adip0nectin. Adip0nectina is a h0rm0ne that g0verns the breakd0wn 0f fats in human b0dy. Adequate am0unt 0f this h0rm0ne triggers higher metab0lic activity which assists in weight and fat l0ss.
Each Raspberry Ket0ne capsule includes Pure Raspberry Ket0nes, African Mang0, Caca0 extract, Green tea, and L-Camitine t0 enhance the fat burning p0wer 0f this amazing supplement. There is n0 sugar, starch, synthetic chemicals 0r preservatives in this pr0duct.
0ur Raspberry Ket0nes are y0ur best ch0ice if y0u want t0 l0se weight and it c0mes with a 100% m0ney back guarantee because we are c0nfident that y0u will l0se weight 0r y0ur m0ney back!

Nutra H3's Raspberry Ket0nes
·P0werful Weight L0ss Supplement
·500 mg 0f Raspberry Ket0nes Per Serving
·1400mg + African Mang0
·Green Tea & L-Carnitine
·C0ntains N0 Sugar, N0 Starch, N0 Yeast, N0 Artificial Dietary C0l0rs 0r Preservatives.
·Made in USA in an FDA appr0ved facility and under strict GMP standards
·100% Satisfacti0n Guarantee and 100% M0ney Back Guarantee

Pure Raspberry Ket0nes Reviewed by PKS Simokerto on 8:28 AM Rating: 5
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